beta reading & manuscripts

“It isn’t much good having anything exciting, if you can’t share it with somebody.”

—A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

first impressions - my initial thoughts on the tone, intrigue, and hook

plot summary - in my own words so the author can see what the reader takeaway was

character analysis - individual & interrelationships, character voice

dialogue - narration vs dialogue balance, tagging

genre - was this work true to the specified genre?

any author requested focus or questionnaire

give specific examples from your work that I feel could be improved

in-line comments

genres (fiction only):







what I don't do

copy editing

grammar & spelling corrections


updated sept 4, 2023

the snack

up to

3,500 words

the hook

up to 

10,000 words

the whole shebang

up to 95,000 words

previous work

updated sept 4, 2023

**Please note: all information regarding character names, plot reveals, and other sensitive material has been redacted from the below reader reports to protect the authors' creative rights

historical fantasy

kingdoms, war, themes of love, friendship, chosen family, loss of loved ones

99,000 words

gothic fantasy

village life, supernatural elements, magic, chosen family, LGBTQ+

82,500 words

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